Welcome to the

HUman-MAchines INteraction Laboratory (HUMAIN-Lab)

Welcome to the

HUman-MAchines INteraction Laboratory (HUMAIN-Lab)

Welcome to the

HUman-MAchines INteraction Laboratory (HUMAIN-Lab)

Welcome to the

HUman-MAchines INteraction Laboratory (HUMAIN-Lab)

Machines, implemented either in hardware or in software, with whom a human interacts proliferate, furthermore their complexity increases; for instance, the aforementioned machines include devices for communication, computers, robots, costumer service software, and other. This lab pursues the study, analysis and design of both hardware and software that enables the seamless collaboration of humans with machines.


The operation of a machine in the “physical” environment is typically supported by arithmetic models. However, when a human is involved there might emerge non-numerical data…


Our orientation is toward the development of machines with a capacity to interact with humans in various applications including education, precision farming, patrolling in the physical environment and other.


Our orientation is toward the conversion of our laboratory prototypes in commercial products.

Theodoros Pachidis

Expertise: Robotics and Software Engineering

Michail Manios

Technical Staff

Efficacy of a Robot-Assisted Intervention in Improving Learning Performance of Elementary School Children with Specific Learning Disorders – Children 2022, 9(8), 1155

Abstract (1) Background: There has been significant recent interest in the potential role of social robots (SRs) in special education. Specific Learning Disorders (SpLDs) have a high prevalence in the student population, and early intervention with personalized special educational programs is crucial for optimal academic achievement. (2) Methods: We designed an intense special education intervention for children in the third and fourth years of elementary school with a diagnosis of a SpLD. Following confirmation of eligibility and informed consent, the…

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Potentials for decision support in business processes through a multi-layer network embeddings approach, 32nd EURO Conference, Espoo, Finland, 2022

Abstract In a business process, we expect multiple related entities to interact. For example, in the Order-to-Cash process, one can observe the events that are recorded with respect to the orders, to the packages, or to the items that are included in the order. Each case notion carries only a part of the aspects of the overall situation, thus, reducing the process to a single case notion means to deliberately neglect certain facets of reality, and moreover, it conceals a major risk to present features of one…

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A non-destructive method for grape ripeness estimation using Intervals’ Numbers (INs) techniques – Agronomy, vol. 12, no. 7, 1564, 2022

C. Bazinas, E. Vrochidou, T. Kalampokas, A. Karampatea, V. G. Kaburlasos, “A non-destructive method for grape ripeness estimation using Intervals’ Numbers (INs) techniques”, Agronomy, vol. 12, no. 7, 1564, 2022. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy12071564

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Agricultural yield prediction by difference equations on data-induced cumulative possibility distributions – NAFIPS 2022 Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

V. G. Kaburlasos, C. Bazinas, E. Vrochidou, E. Karapatzak, “Agricultural yield prediction by difference equations on data-induced cumulative possibility distributions”, 2022 North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society (NAFIPS 2022) Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 31 May – 3 June 2022.

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