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HUman-MAchines INteraction Laboratory (HUMAIN-Lab)

Welcome to the

HUman-MAchines INteraction Laboratory (HUMAIN-Lab)

Welcome to the

HUman-MAchines INteraction Laboratory (HUMAIN-Lab)

Welcome to the

HUman-MAchines INteraction Laboratory (HUMAIN-Lab)

Machines, implemented either in hardware or in software, with whom a human interacts proliferate, furthermore their complexity increases; for instance, the aforementioned machines include devices for communication, computers, robots, costumer service software, and other. This lab pursues the study, analysis and design of both hardware and software that enables the seamless collaboration of humans with machines.


The operation of a machine in the “physical” environment is typically supported by arithmetic models. However, when a human is involved there might emerge non-numerical data…


Our orientation is toward the development of machines with a capacity to interact with humans in various applications including education, precision farming, patrolling in the physical environment and other.


Our orientation is toward the conversion of our laboratory prototypes in commercial products.

Theodoros Pachidis

Expertise: Robotics and Software Engineering

Michail Manios

Technical Staff

The Lattice Computing Paradigm for Modeling Intelligence in Cyber-Physical Systems – the Basque Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems and Artificial Intelligence, San Sebastian, Spain, 2022

V. Kaburlasos, C. Lytridis, C. Bazinas, F. Panagiotopoulos, E. Vrochidou, G. Papakostas, “Chapter 26. The Lattice Computing Paradigm for Modeling Intelligence in Cyber-Physical Systems”, Proceedings of the Basque Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems and Artificial Intelligence, San Sebastian, Spain, 18-19 May 2022, pp. 213-229. DOI 10.5281/zenodo.6562355.

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Social robots as tools in special education (the ‘SRTSE’ project): a randomized case-control study on robot-assisted therapy for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) – EPNS 2022, Glasgow, Scotland, UK

M.T. Papadopoulou, V.A. Nikopoulou, V. Holeva, P. Kechayas, G.A. Papakostas, N. Geronikola, C. Bazinas, C. Lytridis, V. Kaburlasos, A. Evangeliou, “Social robots as tools in special education (the ‘SRTSE’ project): a randomized case-control study on robot-assisted therapy for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)”, 14th European Paediatric Neurology Society (EPNS) Congress, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 28 April – 2 May 2022, poster PO14-216.

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Towards Robot-Assisted Therapy for Children With Autism—The Ontological Knowledge Models and Reinforcement Learning-Based Algorithms – Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 06 April 2022, vol. 9

I. Salhi, M. Qbadou, S. Gouraguine, K. Mansouri, C. Lytridis, V. Kaburlasos, “Towards robot-assisted therapy for children with autism – the ontological knowledge models and reinforcement learning-based algorithms”, Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 06 April 2022, vol. 9, Article 713964. doi: 10.3389/frobt.2022.713964 (Special Issue on Emerging Technologies for Assistive Robotics: Current Challenges and Perspectives – Section “Biomedical Robotics”. Guest Editors: Lyuba Alboul, Jacques Penders, Peter Mitrouchev, Maya Dimitrova, Anna Lekova, Vassilis Kaburlasos)

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Presentation of the project ‘SRTSE’: Social Robots as Tools in Special Education – SENP 2022, Lausanne, Suisse

M. Papadopoulou, V. Choleva, V. A. Nikopoulou, P. Kechayas, G. A. Papakostas, C. Bazinas, C. I. Papadopoulou, V. Kaburlasos, A. Evangeliou, “Presentation of the project ‘SRTSE’: social robots as tools in special education”, 48th Société Européenne de Neurologie Pédiatrique (SENP), Lausanne, Suisse, 17-19 March 2022.

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Yield Estimation in Vineyards Using Intervals’ Numbers Techniques – PCI2021, Volos, Greece, Nov 2021

Christos Bazinas, Eleni Vrochidou, Chris Lytridis, and Vassilis G. Kaburlasos. 2021. Yield Estimation in Vineyards Using Intervals’ Numbers Techniques. In 25th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI 2021). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 454–459. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1145/3503823.3503906

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