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HUman-MAchines INteraction Laboratory (HUMAIN-Lab)

Welcome to the

HUman-MAchines INteraction Laboratory (HUMAIN-Lab)

Welcome to the

HUman-MAchines INteraction Laboratory (HUMAIN-Lab)

Welcome to the

HUman-MAchines INteraction Laboratory (HUMAIN-Lab)

Machines, implemented either in hardware or in software, with whom a human interacts proliferate, furthermore their complexity increases; for instance, the aforementioned machines include devices for communication, computers, robots, costumer service software, and other. This lab pursues the study, analysis and design of both hardware and software that enables the seamless collaboration of humans with machines.


The operation of a machine in the “physical” environment is typically supported by arithmetic models. However, when a human is involved there might emerge non-numerical data…


Our orientation is toward the development of machines with a capacity to interact with humans in various applications including education, precision farming, patrolling in the physical environment and other.


Our orientation is toward the conversion of our laboratory prototypes in commercial products.

Theodoros Pachidis

Expertise: Robotics and Software Engineering

Michail Manios

Technical Staff

Meta-statistical deep learning for stochastic time-series prediction in agricultural applications – 2023 INNS Workshop on Deep Learning Innovations and Applications (DLIA), Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia

C. Bazinas, C. Lytridis, V. G. Kaburlasos, “Meta-statistical deep learning for stochastic time-series prediction in agricultural applications”, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2023). Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, 18-23 June 2023. 2023 International Neural Network Society (INNS) Workshop on Deep Learning Innovations and Applications (DLIA)

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Skilled agricultural task delivery by a digital twin – IEEE CAI 2023, Santa Clara (Silicon Valley), California, USA

V. G. Kaburlasos, C. Lytridis, G. Siavalas, V. N. Tsakalidou, C. Tsakmakis, I. Kalathas, T. Pachidis, K. Rantos, K. Kalaboukas, “Skilled Agricultural Task Delivery by a Digital Twin,” 2023 IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence (CAI), Santa Clara, CA, USA, 2023, pp. 364-365, doi: 10.1109/CAI54212.2023.00159.

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Technology-based regional wine development: A multi-purpose agrobot design for grape harvest automation – EuAWE 2023, Chania, Crete, Greece

Karampatea, E. Bouloumpasi, E. Karapatzak, S. Theocharis, T. Gkrimpizis, C. Karadimou, E. Tziolas, S. Pavlidis, S. Koundouras, S. Mamalis, C. Lytridis, T. Pachidis, V. G. Kaburlasos, “Technology-based regional wine development: A multi-purpose agrobot design for grape harvest automation”, European Association of Wine Economists (EuAWE) 2023 Conference. Chania, Crete, Greece, 28-31 May 2023.

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Grape maturity estimation for personalized agrobot harvest by fuzzy lattice reasoning (FLR) on an ontology of constraints – Sustainability, vol. 15, no. 9, 7331, 2023

C. Lytridis, G. Siavalas, T. Pachidis, S. Theocharis, E. Moschou, V. G. Kaburlasos, “Grape maturity estimation for personalized agrobot harvest by fuzzy lattice reasoning (FLR) on an ontology of constraints”, Sustainability, vol. 15, no. 9, 7331, 2023. https://doi.org/10.3390/su15097331 (Special Issue Computational Intelligence for Sustainability. Guest Editors: Zhebin Xue, Xianyi Zeng) https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sustainability/special_issues/Computational_IntelligenceSustainability

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(Greek) AgroThessaly στη Λάρισα

(Greek) Ένα μέρος των ρομποτικών κατασκευών που αναπτύχθηκαν στο εργαστήριο ΑΜΑ προβλήθηκαν στην 14η Πανελλήνια Έκθεση για τη Γεωργία και την Κτηνοτροφία AgroThessaly στη Λάρισα, 9-12 Μαρτίου 2023 (βλ. https://agrothessaly.helexpo.gr/el ).

(Greek) Ένα μέρος των ρομποτικών κατασκευών που αναπτύχθηκαν στο εργαστήριο ΑΜΑ προβλήθηκαν στην 14η Πανελλήνια Έκθεση για τη Γεωργία και την Κτηνοτροφία AgroThessaly στη Λάρισα, 9-12 Μαρτίου 2023 (βλ. https://agrothessaly.helexpo.gr/el ).

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