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HUman-MAchines INteraction Laboratory (HUMAIN-Lab)

Welcome to the

HUman-MAchines INteraction Laboratory (HUMAIN-Lab)

Welcome to the

HUman-MAchines INteraction Laboratory (HUMAIN-Lab)

Welcome to the

HUman-MAchines INteraction Laboratory (HUMAIN-Lab)

Machines, implemented either in hardware or in software, with whom a human interacts proliferate, furthermore their complexity increases; for instance, the aforementioned machines include devices for communication, computers, robots, costumer service software, and other. This lab pursues the study, analysis and design of both hardware and software that enables the seamless collaboration of humans with machines.


The operation of a machine in the “physical” environment is typically supported by arithmetic models. However, when a human is involved there might emerge non-numerical data…


Our orientation is toward the development of machines with a capacity to interact with humans in various applications including education, precision farming, patrolling in the physical environment and other.


Our orientation is toward the conversion of our laboratory prototypes in commercial products.

Theodoros Pachidis

Expertise: Robotics and Software Engineering

Michail Manios

Technical Staff

2018 September 29 – October 3, Kavala, Greece: 2nd CybSPEED Training Course

Program of Lectures: Sat 29/9 Dr. Aspasia Serdari, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece “Principles of the psychosocial rehabilitation of children” Sotiria Mitroulaki, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece “Qualify for special education services in Greek education system” “Indicators of Autism Spectrum Disorder in Infants and Toddlers” Sun 30/9 Violina Vassileva-Aleksandrova, Theater Tsvete, Bulgaria “Puppet therapy in education – Rehearsal for reality” Mon 1/10 Violina Vassileva-Aleksandrova, Theater Tsvete, Bulgaria “Forum theatre – Life without masks” Dr. Mariella Dimiccoli, University of Barcelona and Computer Vision Centre, Spain “Gestalt…

Program of Lectures: Sat 29/9 Dr. Aspasia Serdari, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece “Principles of the psychosocial rehabilitation of children” Sotiria Mitroulaki, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece “Qualify for special education services in Greek education system” “Indicators of Autism Spectrum Disorder in Infants and Toddlers” Sun 30/9 Violina Vassileva-Aleksandrova, Theater Tsvete, Bulgaria “Puppet therapy in education – Rehearsal for reality” Mon 1/10 Violina Vassileva-Aleksandrova, Theater Tsvete, Bulgaria “Forum theatre – Life without masks” Dr. Mariella Dimiccoli, University of Barcelona and Computer Vision Centre, Spain “Gestalt…

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Social robot selection: a case study in education – SoftCOM 2018, Split, Croatia

G. A. Papakostas, A. K. Strolis, F. Panagiotopoulos, C. N. Aitsidis, “Social robot selection: a case study in education”, Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM 2018), Symposium on: Robotic and ICT assisted wellbeing, Split, Croatia, 13-15 September 2018

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Open-source robotics: investigation on existing platforms and their application in education – SoftCOM 2018, Split, Croatia

E. Vrochidou, M. Manios, G. A. Papakostas, C. N. Aitsidis, F. Panagiotopoulos, “Open-source robotics: investigation on existing platforms and their application in education”, Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM 2018), Symposium on: Robotic and ICT assisted wellbeing, Split, Croatia, 13-15 September 2018

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Social robot NAO as a self-regulating didactic mediator: a case study of teaching/learning numeracy – SoftCOM 2018, Split, Croatia

E. Vrochidou, A. Najoua, C. Lytridis, M. Salonidis, V. Ferelis, G. Papakostas, “Social robot NAO as a self-regulating didactic mediator: a case study of teaching/learning numeracy”, Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM 2018), Symposium on: Robotic and ICT assisted wellbeing, Split, Croatia, 13-15 September 2018

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Towards a robot assistant in vocabulary learning – International Conference on Robotics, Mechatronics and Social Implementation 2018, Varna, Bulgaria

L. Moussiades, C. Kiourt, S. Papadimitriou, “Towards a robot assistant in vocabulary learning”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Robotics, Mechatronics and Social Implementation, Varna, Bulgaria, 28 August – 01 September 2018, pp. 32-45

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