
Harvest Crate Detection for Grapes Harvesting Robot Based on YOLOv3 Model – ICDS 2020, Fez, Morocco

E. Badeka, E. Vrochidou, G. A. Papakostas, T. Pachidis, V. G. Kaburlasos, “Harvest crate detection for grapes harvesting robot based on YOLOv3 model”, The Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Computing in Data Sciences (ICDS 2020), Fez, Morocco, 21-23 October 2020

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Teaching daily life skills in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) interventions using the social robot Pepper – RiE2020, Bratislava, Slovakia

R. Efstratiou, H. Karatsioras, M. Papadopoulou, C. Papadopoulou, C. Lytridis, C. Bazinas, G. A. Papakostas, V. G. Kaburlasos, “Teaching daily life skills in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) interventions using the social robot Pepper”, 11th International Conference on Robotics in Education (RiE), Bratislava, Slovakia, 30 September – 2 October 2020

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Synergy of intelligent algorithms for efficient child-robot interaction in special education: a feasibility study – RiE2020, Bratislava, Slovakia

G. K. Sidiropoulos, C. Bazinas, C. Lytridis, G. A. Papakostas, V. G. Kaburlasos, P. Kechayas, E. Kourampa, S.-R. Katsi, H. Karatsioras, “Synergy of intelligent algorithms for efficient child-robot interaction in special education: a feasibility study”, 11th International Conference on Robotics in Education (RiE), Bratislava, Slovakia, 30 September – 2 October 2020

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Human-Robot Multilingual Verbal Communication – The Ontological knowledge and Learning-based Models – ASTES, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 540-547, 2020

M. Qbadou, I. Salhi, H. El Fazazi, K. Mansouri, M. Manios, V. Kaburlasos, “Human-robot multilingual verbal communication – the ontological knowledge and learning-based models”, Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems (ASTES) Journal, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 540-547, 2020.

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Identifying linguistic cues; towards developing robots with empathy in autism interventions – Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan 2020, vol. 2, no. 56

V.-A. Nikopoulou, V. Holeva, M. D. Kerasidou, P. Kechayas, M. Papadopoulou, E. Vrochidou, G. A. Papakostas, V. G. Kaburlasos, “Identifying linguistic cues; towards developing robots with empathy in autism interventions”, Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan, vol. 2, no. 56, pp. 27-33, 2020. DOI: 10.23950/1812-2892-JCMK-00753

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